Background and industry experience

David is part of the Rating Department at Fisher German. This is a growing team, which concentrates on reducing clients' costs and ensuring they fully benefit from reliefs etc relating to their Business Rates.

Having worked for the Valuation Office (the Government Agency which sets Non-Domestic Rates) for over 25 years, David worked for specialist rating companies before assuming a senior role at Fisher German.

David looks forward to dealing will all kinds of rating matters, as almost all our varied clients will have some kind of rating interest - either where an assessment is already in place or any time they are considering diversifying their business beyond an exempt current use.

Outside rating, David enjoys both Karate and Tai Chi, and also writes, arranges and produces music.

He lives in Reading with his wife Maria, his two children, two cats and a whippet.

About me

When did you join Fisher German?

Why did you join Fisher German?
For the challenge of running a rating department, and to work for a company which offers so much opportunity.

What has been your favourite project and why?
Hands down - inspecting the Royal Opera House. It's an amazing operation in a staggering set up.

Most admired, non-property brand?
Moog, Sequential and Oberheim synths; Nord Keyboards; Tom Anderson Guitars

Top pastime?

Best holiday destination?
Valencia (or the Bahamas!)

One item to take to a desert island?
A guitar

Who would you like to be stranded in a lift with?
Prince, Kate Bush and Madeline Miller

Favourite film?
Ooooooh - so many. In the end though it has to be The Wicker Man or Midsommar
